Arsenic Sulph Rubrum

Arsenic Sulphuratum Rubrum It is a chemical compound commonly known as red sulphide of Arsenic Clarke found it very usefulin cases of influenza. The Influenza of this drug of somewhat peculiar. It produces intense catarrahal discharges associated with great prostration and high tempreture . Hoarsness with accumulation of thick mucus in throat. Mucous membrane of mouth and thorat are inflamed. Right lonsil is inlarged. Intolerable itching in throat producing short dry expulsive cough. T.N. Maclaughlin repored this drug very useful in cases of skin. He has cured the case of psoriasis and acne with drug. Itching n various parts is also reported indicated in Pellegra ( A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B3, characterized by dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis) He has reported the use of 2X trituration ...