
Arsenic Sulph Rubrum

                                    Arsenic Sulphuratum Rubrum It is a chemical compound commonly known as  red sulphide of Arsenic Clarke found it very usefulin cases of influenza. The Influenza of this drug of somewhat peculiar. It produces intense catarrahal discharges associated with great prostration and high tempreture . Hoarsness with accumulation of thick mucus in throat. Mucous  membrane of mouth and thorat are inflamed. Right lonsil is inlarged.  Intolerable itching in throat producing short dry expulsive cough. T.N. Maclaughlin repored this drug very useful in cases of skin. He has cured the case of psoriasis and acne with drug. Itching n various parts is also reported indicated  in Pellegra ( A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B3, characterized by dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis)   He has reported the use of  2X trituration ...

Armoracea sativa (Cochlearia armoracia)

             Armoracea sativa (Cochlearia  armoracia) Cochlearia armoracea is perennial herb native of southern Europe and west Asia. It belongs to family Brassicaeae, This family also includesBrocoll iand Cabbage etc. Glucosinolates and sulphur containg secondary metabolites gives a characteristic spicy flavor. Glucosinalates and indoles are broken down into powerful derivatives inside the body imparting immunity. This medicine is very useful in chronic sinusitis. rheumatic opthalmia. Frontal bones and sinuses, antrum and salivary glands are especially effected by this drug.Hoarsness and relaxed condition of fauces. Scorbutic gums and sore throat. Scurvy from eating salt. It is also used as gargle in codition of scrorbutic gums and sore throat .Locally it cures dandruff. Pressing boring pain in frontal bones of head with sensation of fall out. Rheumatic ophthalmia, profuse lachrymation from eyes ,conjuctiviti...

Aristolochia serpentaria

                             Aristolochia serpentaria We will discuss one minor medicine of homoeopathic Materia medica Aristilochia serpeteria.The Aristolochia serpentaria is a perennial herb belonging to family Aristolochiacae .This species is commonly known as Varginia Snake Root. It is Native plant from North to South America. The main alkaloid of the plant is aristolochin with Half percent volatile oils. Aristolochin is slightly bitter in taste and this compound is soluble in water as well as alcohol. Medicinally this plant is used as Stimulant, diaphoretic (excessive sweat with no reason or sometimes associated with medical conditions ) and tonic as well. The large doses of Aristolochin causes gripping pain In Abdomen,vomiting and dysenteric   tenesmus. The symptoms of over dosing leads to its homoeopathic use. Aristolochia  ...